Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My classroom

Here is my awesome classroom. I have spent many many hours here during the last 3 years (my first two years teaching were in a different classroom). This has been a special place to me and I hope the next art teacher enjoys it as much as I have. My favorite part of the room is the art history timeline that goes around the room near the ceiling. Also notice the lovely tulip painting on the right painted by my sweetie last year when he spent the day with me at school as the "guest artist from New York." I never told the kids that he was also my boyfriend becuase I wanted the focus to be on the fact that he was an artist and not "Ms. Trout's boyfriend!" It was funny to see their reaction when they noticed the picture of John and me on my desk. They would say, "Ms. Trout! Is that you with John Newsom the artist?!" And then they would ask suspisciously, "So is he your boyfriend?" It was really cute.
This is the artist's library. Guess whoooo painted the owl? I LOVE that owl painting!
Here is another beautiful painting that John was so kind to paint for my classroom. I absolutely love the ladybugs (and so do the kids!) I also turned one of my chalkboards into a "Surreal Gallery" and "Curation Station". Students can create a surreal scene using magnets I made from magazine pictures (this idea was borrowed from MAQ-Mobile Arts Quest) or curate an exhibit with magnetized mini artworks.
My desk is in the corner.My art club painted the ceiling tiles last year.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to be able to see the classroom where you work. Very nice! It's inspiring me to go paint.
